Yosemite Slough Restoration Project - Phase 2A Goals | Cal Parks

The following is a summary of the project goals that helped to shape this phase of construction:

Core Infrastructure

  • Provide the core infrastructure needed to buildout and operate the park including all of the utility connections: potable water, fire protection, sanitary sewer, irrigation, telecommunications, electricity, and outdoor lighting.

Connect the Park Entrance to the City Streetscape

  • Connect the park entrance to the intersection of Griffith and Thomas Street including facilities to provide safe pedestrian and vehicular access to the park:
  • Provide pedestrian cross ramps and cross walks at the intersection of Griffin and Thomas Streets;
  • Reconfigure the Griffith Street terminus from a four-lane dead end to a two-lane park entrance drive, including an improved pedestrian friendly streetscape;
  • Provide a new pedestrian side walk from the intersection of the Griffith and Thomas Street to the park entrance including street trees, on-street parking, landscaping, and street lights;
  • Provide street trees and landscaping along Thomas Street.

Construct the Park Entrance

  • Construct the park entrance to announce the presence of this park for residence and visitors.
  • Provide an emblematic entrance gate and sign;
  • Utilize concrete pavers with a modern urban aesthetic along the new pedestrian sidewalk and entrance plaza;
  • Complement the entrance with street trees and landscaping.

Provide Vehicular Access Control and Security

  • Ensure that the park can be managed to exclude vehicular access at night to reduce vandalism.
  • Install the vehicular security barrier along Thomas Street;
  • Install the vehicular access control gate at the park entrance.

Provide Parking to Support Special Events

  • Install parking lot with corresponding stormwater drainage and treatment system;
  • Provide ADA pedestrian and cyclist connection to the SF Bay Trail.

Complete the SF Bay Trail

  • Adjust alignment to its final configuration;
  • Finish the surface of the trail;
  • Include required signage.

Facilitate Pedestrian Access and Use during Daylight Hours

  • Provide safe access for pedestrians from intersection of Griffith and Thomas to the park entrance;
  • Provide access to the finished SF Bay Trail.

Complete the Tidal Marsh Restoration and Planting

  • Plant native shrubs along the edge of the tidal marsh;
  • Provide corresponding irrigation.

Test New Upgraded Site Furnishing

  • State Park plans on using upgraded park furnishings throughout the Candlestick State Recreation Area to celebrate the urban context for this park and begin to strengthen community stewardship.  Candidate site furnishings have been selected for this project to see how well this concept works including drinking fountains, trash receptacles, bike racks, bollards, overhead light fixtures, interpretive panels, and way finding signs. At least one of each of this site furnishings will be installed in this phase so State Parks can evaluate how well these perform.