2022 Wildfire Resiliency and Prevention Grant Round | Cal Parks


The Wildfire Resiliency and Prevention grant round will support activities in state parks to help create a wildfire resilient state park system. We will invest in model programs that focus on wildfire resilience, risk reduction, mitigation, or preparedness. 


Grant Round Objective 

Through our work, we are supporting models and approaches that land managers are using for state parks to be prepared for wildfires. This, combined with knowledge of how these models work within specific habitat, environmental, and human conditions, are how California State Parks and California State Parks Foundation are making parks more wildfire resilient. Proposed projects should fall under one of these three model approaches:

  • Use of control burning and debris removal to foster a healthy ecosystem and reduce catastrophic wildfires. 

  • Restoring native vegetation to landscapes that are overrun with highly flammable and invasive species. This will increase the native biodiversity that has evolved with fire and can better protect and recover from wildfires. 

  • Educating and activating local communities and all Californians on how they can help to build greater resiliency against wildfires. 

Applicants can apply for grants up to $10,000. 

Learn more: We hosted a webinar with more information on this open grant round on September 26, 2022. You can see the full recording and the slides below. 




Grant Timeline 

  • October 3, 2022 - November 4, 2022: Accepting applications  

  • December 15, 2022 – December 15, 2023: Grant term 

  • July 14, 2023: Midterm report due 

  • January 31, 2024: Final report due 


Grant Award Process 

  • November 28, 2022 – December 2, 2022: Email grantees to notify of award 

  • December 5 - 19, 2022: Externally announce grantees